Degree College Anantnag..

Mathematics (2nd Semester)


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Differential equation of first order and first degree

Solution of first order and first degree (variable separable)

Solution of first order and first degree  (Homogenous)

Solution of first order and first degree (linear differential equation)

Linear differential equation of higher order

Integrating factors, Bernoulli differential equation, necessary and sufficient condition for exactness

Homogenous linear differential equation with constant coefficient

Non-Homogenous differential equation with constant coefficients

Linear differential equation

Equations reducible to linear form

Exact differential equation

Change of variable method



Equations solvable for p


Equations solvable for x and y


Equations that do not contain x (or y)


Clairaut’s Form


Linear differential equations

Homogenous Linear diff equations with constant coefficients


Non-Homogenous Linear diff equations with constant coefficients


Linear differential equations


Equations Reducible to linear


Exact differential equations



Equation of Squared Differences

1 2 3

Equations whose roots are the functions of the roots of a given equation

1 2 3

Transformation of  Equations and Diminishing of roots

Removal of terms of an equation

Properties of polynomials and Synthetic division


Cardan's Method


Descarte’s Solution of Biquadratic

Descarte's Rule of Signs

Rational roots of an integral equation

Sum of powers of the roots of an equation. 01932-222308